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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Socializing Sundays: Simple Dates

Socializing Sundays: Simple Dates

I keep a list of dates in my "to do" list not because they are things I need to do but I like to keep the ideas written down where I can find them. Recently a guy told me that in his younger days he didn't date much because he was poor, i.e. he couldn't AFFORD to date. I believe that this is a very incorrect statement. You don't always have to invest a lot of money on a date. You can invest time and effort instead. Sure, a lot of conventional dates cost money (bowling, movies, restaurants) but dating doesn't have to always consist of the expensive things or out-of-your-budget things. Occasionally you can plan on a conventional date and save up the necessary funds but in the meantime you don't have to stay home and stare at the wall. Here is a preliminary list of ideas for you lug-heads:

1. Cook something intricate together
2. Plan a personal wine tasting (Wine can be as cheap as $3-$4 a bottle)
3. Karaoke (Some restaurants host karaoke and you can spend minimal amounts)
4. Geocaching picnic adventure
5. Or just geocaching.
6. Flashmob (free dance class and awesome memories)
7. Costco (samples are free and hot dogs are still $1.50 and you can do your grocery shopping together)
8. Hiking
9. Free community events (Craigslist is where I found flashmobs, dodgeball, and writing groups)

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