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Friday, August 30, 2013

Foodie Fridays: Herbs to Own

The basil plant takes sun and continuous water to grow and prosper. It yields plenty of leaves for use. It can be used in salads, a stir-fry, sandwiches, and more.


  1. That's a lovely basil plant, is it yours? We've recently planted two tomato plants with some basil around the edges, but they need to grow a bit more probably before they will be ready for plucking and eating.

  2. I live quite close to a lovely fruit/veggie market and I bought this basil plant at least a month ago for $5 and it continues to prosper. Tomatoes are one of my favorites! We have a few plants with many green tomatoes but so far only 3 have ripened enough to eat (and they were consumed with gusto).


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